About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Back from friend's house, drank tea, had sympathy! Listed a few thrillers on the site, historical fiction books on ebay too - seller name rehome-a-book obviously! Catch you later all.

On a downer!

It happens to us all, but I am feeling negative today! Haven't sold anything for far too long, we have an event on Saturday which should be great but the weather forcast is naff - stuck in a field under a wet gazebo trying to sell wonderful items to no people...not the best thing to look faorward to! Nevermind, perhaps it won't be that bad. Right.

Anyway, the event in question can be found here - www.westmercia.police.uk/news/news-articles/we-re-brag-ing-about-a-bonanza-family-fun-day.html its a very good cause so I hope it is dry for them/us!

I am going to see some friends now to get some tea and sympathy, back later hopefully feeling brighter!
Tata for now.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Bloomin' computers!

Why do they always break just when you need them the most? Yesterday mine kept turning itself off - well into a sleep mode kind of, most annoying! Anyway it seems back to normal now so I will be listing some more titles in the online shop including Shadow Man by Cody Mcfayden, One False Move by Harlan Coben and Crosscut by Meg Gardiner - come and have a browse!

You can also visit my other website www.georiginals.com where I sell fairly-traded gifts, jewellery and other new age items!

Catch y'all later.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


We have a great range of thrillers in the online shop at the moment - brilliant authors including Alex Kava, Harlan Coben, Dean Koontz, James Patterson and Jeffery Deaver. Have a browse today for some great summer reads - UK postge included in the prices!!

It is a lovely sunny day again but a bit on the chilly side. I have been putting off getting a sweater - didn't want to cave in to the cold but I'm going to have to as typing is becoming an issue, still its a good excuse for another cup of tea!
Later all.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Fruity Rivita

Just got to say how yummy and moreish these things are! You wouldn't think it to look at them but they are just sweet enough, perfect to nibble when I am stuck at the keyboard because they aren't sticky! A hazard when you work with books...

Anyway, off into town briefly then back to listing stuff. Hope your day is going well.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Summer's here, the accounts are due...

Hi all, had the letter from my accountants today informing me that it is time once again to collect my paperwork and send it to them for the good ol' tax return. I'd rather they did it, I would make a mistake and be fined or something...

It is another beautiful day - the sun is really warm out of the wind. The veggies in my folk's garden are all growing well and it look like we shall have plenty to eat for the next few months, can't wait, I could live on salad truth be told.

Anyway, on with 'booking' as I call it. More going onto the shop this evening so do have a browse if you have the time.


Thursday, 15 April 2010


I have had too much! Three really big bucket-mugfulls already today, will be going for a walk in a while though so that should help even me out a bit. Getting annoyed at Facebook - the chat thingy keeps saying 'an error occured' evey now and then...not good, it is my social life! Much prefer Twitter at the mo. Think I will put a twitter-feed thing onto the blog...
Anyway, hope you are having a nice day out there.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

New additions.

Hi all, just added the following to the webshop - have a browse!

The Edge Of Reason - Clinton McKenzie
Lamb - Bernard Maclaverty
Rain Stops Play - Brian Johnston
Mortal Remains - Gregory Hall
Little Women (abridged) - Louisa M. Alcott.

More to come as always! Hope you are having a good day.


I have listed 4 new pairs of bookends on the web shop today, two pairs are of a butterfly/flower design, there is a pair with seashells and another for kids with space robots! As ever they are MDF, painted and decoupaged and each pair is unique. Check out the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk.

I finished the book I was reading last night - Punishment by Anne Holt which I enjoyed a lot. I have now started The Grave Tattoo by Val McDermid, so far it has gripped me so that is a good sign. If anyone has read it do let me know what you thought!

Anyway, must be off to bed, another day of computer-bound typing tomorrow, more books to list both on ebay and on the website so watch this space!

Monday, 12 April 2010


What a terrific programme Joanna Lumley's Nile is - can't wait until next week! I can see Agatha Christie in my mind's eye, creating her murder mystery whilst on a cruise liner like the one on tonight. Magical!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Sunny Saturday.

It has been another lovely day but I have been computer-bound, listing books on ebay, if they don't go there I move them to the webshop. It has been nice to be able to have the windows open though - got some fresh air while I work.

One of my favourite authors Sara Paretsky has written a piece for The Guardian - here is the link http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/apr/10/elizabeth-barrett-browning-sara-paretsky incase you want to look.

Tonight I will be able to chill in front of the TV and watch Harry Potter and The Order Of The Pheonix - good times!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Sick of election already!

It was only announced a few days ago but I am already fed up of election stuff. There is nothing on the news except the latest ramblings from the big three, the countryside is suddenly littered with campaign boards and we have already had about two trees worth of leaflets through the door. I live on the third floor of my building - I warn anyone who may visit that the doorbell is currently switched off!

Anyhoo, enough rant for now. I shall go back to reading my book - escape!

Thursday, 8 April 2010


Had a lovely day in Wales helping to move furniture - sun, birds, flowers - very spring-like.
Listed a few more titles on the shop including some James Patterson thrillers and a couple of Harry Potters - check it out!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Today's quote.

The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch

Lovely day!

It is a lovely day outside, I am stuck at the computer listing books a plenty but I will go out for my walk a bit later! I have listed more thirllers on ebay - find me under sellers and type in rehome-a-book!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Just added some more thrillers to the webshop - take a look if you have time.