About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Book of the week.

Just started a new section on the website for this, a featured book that I think is great, if it sells I will replace it with another of equal importance! This week's is Las Vegas Babylon, and you can find it here: http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1

Spent last night making spectacle holders ready for the show next week, beading in front of the telly is actually quite therapeutic i find, The Mothman Prophecies was on and I love that film as well as the truth behind it, gripping stuff.
Anyway, off to list some bits on good old eBay, you can find them here:
prices from 50p upwards plus postage!.
Bye for now.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Beading and Painting.

Busy today (and for the next week or so) making more book accessories to take to Burwarton Show on the 5th August, painting bookends, beading spectacle holders and my new product which will be launched at the show 'Bejewel-a-Book' bookmarks! Its all go, just hope I make some cash, I do love doing shows and festivals though so at least it'll be fun.

I have put (and will be putting more) books on eBay, clearance items at brill prices so do take a look he - just copy & paste:

There is always the website too - www.rehome-a-book.co.uk where you can visit the online shop, link to events we're doing, read this blog etc.
Right, back to work!

Monday, 26 July 2010


Google analytics tells me my website traffic is up 39% - no increase in sales though... its an up and down world! It is encouraging to know that more people are finding it - being a relatively new site and all, but what puts them off buying? Are they just looking out of curiosity? Do I not have what they were looking for? I really can't do the prices any more reasonably...thinks...
Another problem I have is what to do about postage. I sell worldwide so need to charge postage for over seas as books are generally heavy things which cost a lot to post, in the UK too for that matter. Something else to work on!

Anyway folks, 20% off for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk - ends Saturday!

Blog you later!

Friday, 23 July 2010

eBay stuff

Having the usual clear out on eBay if anyone fancies a bargain, most books 50p or 99p plus postage! this link should get you directly to the list http://shop.ebay.co.uk/rehome-a-book/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1

Hope you are all having a fun Friday, weekend looming, any plans? I have a friend back in town tomorrow so a catch up will be in order, great!

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Just saying hi!

Hi! Its a pretty average kind of Thursday so i thought i would just put a quick post up, about to have some lunch ( a bit late) so had better do this before I get my fingers foody - managed to dribble jam down myself yesterday, not a good look!

Anyway, I am getting on with Lord of the Rings - any of you who may follow me on Twitter know that I have read it before but am actually timing myself this time, I still expect it to take months but it will be interesting to see as sometimes I only manage a few pages a night.

Just a note to remind you that the 20% off all orders sale in the online shop ends at the end of July so grab a bargain while you can!
Catch you all later.


Monday, 19 July 2010


We had a lovely time at the Festival at the Edge this weekend just gone, such a brilliant atmosphere and many like-minded people, we did sell a bit too although more customers are always welcome! We were next to Panic Circus and spent much of the weekend watching stilt-walkers go by, I was very impressed at them - brave souls! The highlight for me was the Kaleidoscope Theatre, a group of children/young adults with Downs who did performances both days, I defy anyone to watch them and not be touched by the show. Any way, onwards to the next event - Wharton Show in a few weeks, hopefully some online sales too, things are very quiet at the moment which is worrying.
Don't forget 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Please be nice weather for the weekend!!

We will be trading at the Festival at the Edge this weekend under the gazebo..it can rain or be a bit chilly but PLEASE no wind! Hoping for the best and if you are there do come and say hello.

Don't forget 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk !!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

New bookmarks just in.

Just listed some lovely Pollyanna Pickering bookmarks - I wish I was good at art, her pictures are stunning! Anyway, check them and more out here http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk/bookmarks-32-c.asp and don't forget there is 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Summer Sale!

20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk !!

Running for the whole of July, this great offer deducts 20% from your order total at the checkout - couldn't be easier! Choose from our book accessories or book selection including lots of thrillers, biographies, crime fiction, classics and more.

We will also be at the Festival at the Edge in a couple of weeks time, more details to follow or check out the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk.