About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

So lax of late!

Sorry I haven't blogged, this is just a quick one to say I'm still here, been a busy week - not for sales sadly but I am ever hopeful that things will pick up. Anyway, it is my birthday tomorrow so I will have nothing but positive thoughts I promise!

Book of the day by-the-way is available HERE.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Book of the day:

Hi all, today's selected book is a cookery book, the Cordon Bleu book of vegetables and you can view it HERE our price just 99p plus postage!

I have a cold as well as my bad back so am keeping it more brief than usual due to the pain / mysery of sitting in front of the computer!

Health and happiness all!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

HI all.

Well, my problem back is actually a torn muscle - could take anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 months to heal so I just have to put up with it...great! Patience is a virtue I suppose.

So, how is your Thursday going? Hope it is productive and fun. Things are possibly afoot in the world of Rehome-a-Book but I will only say more if things pan out! Nothing worse than jinxing oneself.

Today's book of the day is HERE Phillipa Gregory - The Other Queen. From the author of The Other Boleyn Girl. Well worth a look!

Later all.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Hi all, hope you're well this fine Wednesday! As a brief update, my back still hurts, I am not amused about it and hope it will hurry up and get better!

Just done the 'Book of the day' thing, find it HERE today it is 'The Trench' by Steve Alten, worth a read, very thrilling!

Anyway, I haven't got too much time at the mo, if you follow me on Twitter I'll be on periodically all day and this evening so maybe chat there!
Take care folks.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Yes, I am about to cave in and take some, got to sit a t the computer all day so at least I won't hurt my back more by accident. It's getting better slowly, but I haven't got the time or patience to wait!

Anyway, just listed the book of the day on the website, find it HERE today it is Redwall by Brian Jacques, an excellent book not just for kids!

Anyway, I will try to post again later when I have a break or go screen-blind, have a good day folks!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Monday already.

Hi all, sorry I haven't posted over the weekend, after Burwarton Show I unloaded the van and promptly hurt my back...been resting it all weekend and it is on the mend! At least I didn't hurt it before the show, I wouldn't have been able to keep moving about if I was stuck behind the stall.

My other half has been at the Big Chill all weekend and he'll be back at some point today, the washing machine is empty and waiting! He has phoned every day which is lovely, apparently Newton Faulkner was great last night - not jealous at all!!

Anyway, off to make a cuppa before listing more books, there are loads on eBay at the moment HERE and as ever on the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Back later (pardon the pun!).

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


The stall is ready, just some stock to put out in the morning, hope it stays dry overnight, but the wind is picking up so we'll see. I am next to the pitch I had last year and the folks there this time are selling fudge and stuff - dangerous! Must look the other way!

Anyway, the online shop is still there while we are away tomorrow www.rehome-a-book.co.uk check it out if you have a sec.
Bye for now!


Hi all, just a quick post, off to Burwarton this afternoon to set up for tomorrow's show, hoping the rain will stay away as although we'll be dry in the marquees, outside will be miserable for the animals and events. Anyway, van is loaded at least, so we shall see.

Today's book of the day is by Dave Eggers - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, you can find it here worth a read! Rehome-a-Book price just £2.50 plus postage.

Anyway folks, catch you later!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Today's Book of the day:

Rehome-a-Book's book of the day http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1
Find it at the link above -

Kuan Yin - Myths & Prophecies of the Chinese Goddess of Compassion

Monday, 2 August 2010

Today's Book of the day:

Rehome-a-Book's book of the day http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1

A Death In Tuscany by Michele Giuttari

Book of the day instead!

Decided to do this, so many books that are worthy of being highlighted, so now it is Rehome-a-Book's book of the day!! Check out the website for daily updates.

Getting ready for Burwarton Show on Thursday, we will be setting up on Wednesday so that gives us time if we forget anything - which usually happens. Hoping the weather will be kind, need to make some money!

Anyway folks, bye for now, much sorting to do!