About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Getting closer.

The Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre that is! Looking forward to it - hard work but worth it, although I am a bit nervous about the snow which is forecast, I'm sure it won't be heavy enough to stop folks coming but you never know! It can snow on Monday as much as it likes! Anyway, the stock is ready, the layout will happen when we get there and the flask is primed...bring it on!

Anyway, that's it from me for now, I have to put the last coat of varnish on some bookends. As ever you can find news, our 'Book of the day' and more via the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Friday, 19 November 2010

Ah what a week - busy making stuff for the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre next weekend, up to my elbows in glue from doing bookends, beading my spectacle holders, sorting stock generally, looking forward to it as ever though.

Its a cold and foggy day today, very wintry but actually nice, I will have to go out later so we'll see if it clears at all. Today's book recommendation can be found HERE in the online shop - Doing Business in Nevada, A Practical Guide!

Anyhoo, more gluing to do, more tea to drink!

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Remembrance Sunday, an emotional day, we are all linked to war in some way via friend, relation and country. Today's book is Andy McNab's Immediate Action, his story including time in the SAS. It can be found HERE in the online shop and is well worth a read.

We just watched the last race of the Formula 1 season, sad to see it go but what a finish! Very happy with results all round, can't wait until it starts all over again.

Anyway, that's me for Sunday, hope you've had a good one wherever you are.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Hi folks, hope you are having a happy Saturday! I had the pleasure of meeting up with some Twitter friends last night, so lovely to meet them and I hope Dan enjoyed his birthday!

Have had a semi-productive day, some work, some house work! I have cleaned the fish tanks though so am feeling good about that - happy fish. Think the rest of the day will be made up of 'pottering', proper book listing tomorrow, keep an eye on the online shop for new additions HERE.

Anyway, it is most definitely coffee time, take care folks.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Hello! Quick blog-break before carrying on, getting things ready for the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre in a couple of weeks as well as the day to day worky stuff. I hope everyone had their 2 mins silence this morning in respect for our armed forces, I did and for a change the phone didn't ring or anything - as it should be!

Our book of the day as ever can be found on the website at www.rehome-a-book.co.uk and all our items can be bought from the online shop HERE or follow the website links!

I hope the stormy weather isn't disrupting your day too bad if you are UK based, otherwise take care and I shall blog soon!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

HI all, just checking in, hope you are well! Its a grey day here again so I am bound to the computer to hopefully get lots done (what are the chances?)

Book of the day today is Peter Neville's 'Claws and Purrs' the psychology of cats and can be found HERE in the online shop along with many more great books, have browse and see what catches your eye, great prices, postage is as Royal Mail quote, no charge for packaging!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Hi all, I am busy designing a simple yet effective Rehome-a-Book bookmark to sell at the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre at the end of the month, it features the cute bookworm I use! So I am spacing, copying and pasting like a fiend, tomorrow I can go paper shopping - love stationery shops!

So today's book of the day is Meg Gardiner's Crosscut and can be viewed HERE follow the links for the online shop to view many more great thrillers and other titles!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Hope you all had a great hallowe'en - we had nachos, chocolate cake and watched The Crow - can't beat that! Anyway, today's book of the day follows the theme, it is Dean Koontz's Night Chills and can be found HERE