About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

'Six women, their loves, laughter and life-long friendship. We meet five American women with their husbands at a Norfolk airbase. While the guys partol the skies, the gals cook chicken pot pie and sneak across the perimeter fence to meet up with Kath, who lives in the freezing fens. Together they share love, laughter, triumphs and tragedies over forty years.'

Our book of the day: The Future Homemakers of America by Laurie Graham

Buy it HERE!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Book of the day;

Can always be found on the main website, on our facebook page www.facebook.com/rehomeabook and on twitter @Rehomeabook ... and often here! Today is it Jonathan Kellerman's 'Deception'

Monday, 25 April 2011

Summer reads

There are some fab books old and new which encompass the air of summer, you can travel the world from your back garden or favourite chair - this is the magic of books. I found a good article here http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/the-50-best-summer-reads-2003160.html

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Sunny Saturday

Hi all, hope you are enjoying Easter weekend - I am nipping to Shrewsbury to 'do' the garden centre then hopefully back to do some work...awful on a day like this but needs must!

Catch the book of the day on the website - Beginners Spanish today!

Bye for now.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Email blogging!

From my phone no less! This technology thing is catching up with me this way I can blog from events this summer, whatever next?

I hope you are all able to enjoy the sunshine wherever you are and that it lasts!
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Sunny again!

It is - still sunny! I really hope this isn't all we're going to get, an early 'summer' then months of rain, must think positive!

Today's book of the day can - as always - be found on the website under the heading, here is a link to it anyway, Alan Titchmarsh' 'Folly', just 99p at Rehome-a-Book!

Don't forget, for Easter you can get 20% off your order from the online shop by using the code CCL at the shopping basket page!

Bye for now folks.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Time wasting

It is so easy to do, today, after doing a pitiful amount of work I have been seduced by the computer. Spending a huge amount of time on Stumbleupon looking a fabulous photos and sites, tweeting, blogging - although a lot of this is promotion stuff for Rehome-a-book and my writing...at least that's what I'm telling myself!
Anyway, must get on to something productive now...

Oh - and you can get 20% for Easter off at the online shop HERE if you enter the code CCL

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Well done to all those who ran the London marathon - I was watching to see if I could spot some friends of mine (Jon, Heath, Abi) and some of the costumes folks were in were great - don't know how you do it though! Top admiration.

Friday, 15 April 2011


The weekend is nearly here - lets hope for nice weather! Although on Sunday I will be mostly in front of the telly - Marathon and the Grand Prix! I have a few friends running in the marathon for a host of great causes and I wish them all the luck in the world!

If you are taking is easy have a wonderfully relaxing time, if you'll be working like me (for some of it) I hope its a productive weekend!

It rained overnight! The weather Gods must read the Rehome-a-Book blog! I can imagine the garden drinking it all in - excellent.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Had a nice afternoon in the garden tending veggie seedlings, but had to do some watering - we are hoping for rain soon, the water-butt is dry. Some overnight rain would be great, it can do it's job and we wouldn't have to deal with umbrellas during the day!

Anyway, if you need some inspiration check out our gardening section HERE! Off to cut some salad leaves for tea...

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sun on a Saturday

I have many many books to list and the sun is out again - dilemma! It is technically the weekend, but they don't have the same meaning for the self-employed, I'm hoping I can strike a happy balance between getting some work done and getting outside for some fresh air and springtime glory! Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

New books

Just collected a box load of donated books - all paperbacks, good titles, different categories so watch the shop for new additions!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Prices are now updated to the new Royal Mail 2011 tariff, the increase is dependant on the weight bracket - some airmail prices over 100g have actually come down a bit!

Postal prices

HI all,
Today in line with Royal Mail's price hike on postage we are having to alter the postal prices on the online shop - would love not to have to but just can't see a way around it. Because we sell books so cheaply - prices starting at 50p - we would lose any of the small profit we make if we kept the postal prices the same - re-homing books is our passion but we have to make a living, minuscule as it is!

Later all.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mother's Day

A Mother's Day related book of the day today - Grandmother's Wisdom! Find it HERE

Saturday, 2 April 2011

More thrillers now listed! Just saying....
