About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Categories vanishing!

Hi all,
Some of the smaller book categories are now disappearing from the online shop including reference, true crime and mystery amongst others, we will be removing books systematically over the next couple of weeks then the shop will just be for the gift and accessory items we sell at events. Enter the code CCL at the shopping basket page to get 20% off your order - anything goes, and 20% off already cheap prices can't be bad!

Have a good day folks.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Kind of closing the online shop...

We have decided rather than close down completely we will just sell the items that we have at the events we do - the book accessories and gifts, after a couple of decent enquiries. It is true that the market has gone for the books so they will be disappearing very soon - check out the shop to get 20% off your order - 20% off already VERY cheap prices that is.

So, the things that you see on our stall at fairs, shows and festivals are all available to buy online for now and vise versa - lots of great book related gift items for those bibliophiles in your life! Have a browse HERE

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Almost no rain!

We had a lovely afternoon at the Albrighton School summer fair - there were reenacting pirates fighting, kids in fancy dress, a fab cake stall and lots of other things - we also sold quite a bit which is kind of the point! It was dull weather-wise and the rain only started about a half-hour before the end so that was ok. Typically we had someone ask if we had an online shop, I explained obviously, IF the person comes back to us it will be nice, but in truth it rarely happens, one sale won't keep us going sadly. Nevermind, onwards and upwards!

So, I shall unload the van (too wet to do it last night) in a while then get on with the rest of the day!
Bye for now.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Fine weather tomorrow please!

I'm not asking for miracles - just no rain, and ideally no strong winds either if possible oh mighty weather Gods! We are at the lovely Albrighton School tomorrow at their summer fair which we really enjoyed last year, skittles made from Pringles tubes, tombolas - the works, our gazebo will be on duty and I don't want to have to pack it away wet, although with a good forecast for the weekend at least I'll be able to get it out to dry at some point. I have thought about doing an anti-rain dance, but I'm just not that coordinated, I would probably cause a flood!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Closing online shop.

We will soon be closing down the online shop, the ever-rising postal costs, general lack of people buying used books and the costs involved have beaten us. It is sad, but we have to be realistic!

We will however be doing more events with the book accessories and gifts and I'm sure we can sneak a few bargain books onto the stall! We love doing fairs, shows and festivals and can channel the money we are currently losing through the online shop into more stock, pitches, positive and exciting things.

Watch this space for closing down offers - coming soon!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Quiet week

It has been a fairly quiet week in the world of Rehome-a-Book, not many orders, no events, so I have taken advantage of the time to get some things made ready for upcoming shows, I have been a cutting, gluing, creative machine! The weather has also been awful so I haven't been going outside too much, managed to get some writing done too. I hope you have all had productive weeks, lets hope things pick up here next week!
Bye for now.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Star Trek

Hi all, just to let you know we have alot of great Star Trek novels in our Sci-fi section HERE at the moment, the days of Captian Kirk mainly, so if you're a fan do go and have a look, they are mostly first edition paperbacks at fab prices as always!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Medieval Fayre

We had a nice day at the Cockshutt Medieval Craft, Food and Fun day yesterday, people weren't spending much but the atmosphere was nice and the sun stayed out for most of it! All that's left now is to unpack the van - always my least favourite job!

Friday, 3 June 2011


We will be at the Cockshutt Medieval Craft, Food and Fun Day on Saturday - hoping for nice weather as our pitch is an outdoor one! I have a new table which luckily fits in the van - we had measured it but weren't quite sure! It is sturdy and deeper than the other so hopefully it will help no end for displaying the stock safely. Anyway, we are looking forward to a day away, possibly in costume. When we get back it will be straight to a friend's after wedding do - hopefully we'll have time to change first!
Take care all.