About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

new stock!

As I sit here I have a pile of fresh stock ready to list in the online shop - lots of gardening titles, crafts and wildlife stuff, hopefully if I can work for more than 2 minutes without having to sneeze I shall set about listing them forthwith (well in a day or two anyway...) Here's hoping you haven't got the Christmas cold, I'm off to have a Lemsip!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Just a quick hello! My resolution for 2011 will be to blog more efficiently - and regularly so I am getting into practice! During the festive period I will be at the computer quite frequently, listing new stock, updating things and generally keeping an eye on things.

As always the shop can be accessed via www.rehome-a-book.co.uk or by clicking HERE.

Have fun folks and be happy.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Glad to hear that at least one of our book orders has been delivered today, the weather is making things tricky but it seems things are working ok - if you have ordered from us and don't receive your goods in the normal time drop us a line, we always get receipts to prove the date of dispatch.

Sunday, 19 December 2010


Things are quietening down now, the last post date for 2nd class post has gone by, no orders for a day or two, perhaps the Xmas lull has begun! Anyway, I will still be adding new stock over the Christmas break and will be manning the online shop all the way through - orders taken, posted when the post office is open, deliveries dependant on Royal Mail and the weather!

Season's greetings to all our customers, people we have met at the various events throughout the year and to all our acquaintances. Here's to a great 2011!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Hi all, had a great weekend at the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre as ever, bit of an issue with condensation dripping - or should I say raining - down on us all, had to cover the stall for a bit! It was a lovely atmosphere as always though and we gave our costumes an airing. If you were there I hope you enjoyed it. I have put a few photos on our Facebook page HERE.

That's it for our events this year, we are booking up for 2011 though, July and August are dealt with. Looking forward to getting some new stock items and seeing how they do!

So it's back to the daily grind, with the run up to Christmas I hope to be busy obviously, do check the website for our book of the day and more bits and pieces!
Take care.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Getting closer.

The Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre that is! Looking forward to it - hard work but worth it, although I am a bit nervous about the snow which is forecast, I'm sure it won't be heavy enough to stop folks coming but you never know! It can snow on Monday as much as it likes! Anyway, the stock is ready, the layout will happen when we get there and the flask is primed...bring it on!

Anyway, that's it from me for now, I have to put the last coat of varnish on some bookends. As ever you can find news, our 'Book of the day' and more via the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Friday, 19 November 2010

Ah what a week - busy making stuff for the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre next weekend, up to my elbows in glue from doing bookends, beading my spectacle holders, sorting stock generally, looking forward to it as ever though.

Its a cold and foggy day today, very wintry but actually nice, I will have to go out later so we'll see if it clears at all. Today's book recommendation can be found HERE in the online shop - Doing Business in Nevada, A Practical Guide!

Anyhoo, more gluing to do, more tea to drink!

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Remembrance Sunday, an emotional day, we are all linked to war in some way via friend, relation and country. Today's book is Andy McNab's Immediate Action, his story including time in the SAS. It can be found HERE in the online shop and is well worth a read.

We just watched the last race of the Formula 1 season, sad to see it go but what a finish! Very happy with results all round, can't wait until it starts all over again.

Anyway, that's me for Sunday, hope you've had a good one wherever you are.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Hi folks, hope you are having a happy Saturday! I had the pleasure of meeting up with some Twitter friends last night, so lovely to meet them and I hope Dan enjoyed his birthday!

Have had a semi-productive day, some work, some house work! I have cleaned the fish tanks though so am feeling good about that - happy fish. Think the rest of the day will be made up of 'pottering', proper book listing tomorrow, keep an eye on the online shop for new additions HERE.

Anyway, it is most definitely coffee time, take care folks.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Hello! Quick blog-break before carrying on, getting things ready for the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre in a couple of weeks as well as the day to day worky stuff. I hope everyone had their 2 mins silence this morning in respect for our armed forces, I did and for a change the phone didn't ring or anything - as it should be!

Our book of the day as ever can be found on the website at www.rehome-a-book.co.uk and all our items can be bought from the online shop HERE or follow the website links!

I hope the stormy weather isn't disrupting your day too bad if you are UK based, otherwise take care and I shall blog soon!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

HI all, just checking in, hope you are well! Its a grey day here again so I am bound to the computer to hopefully get lots done (what are the chances?)

Book of the day today is Peter Neville's 'Claws and Purrs' the psychology of cats and can be found HERE in the online shop along with many more great books, have browse and see what catches your eye, great prices, postage is as Royal Mail quote, no charge for packaging!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Hi all, I am busy designing a simple yet effective Rehome-a-Book bookmark to sell at the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre at the end of the month, it features the cute bookworm I use! So I am spacing, copying and pasting like a fiend, tomorrow I can go paper shopping - love stationery shops!

So today's book of the day is Meg Gardiner's Crosscut and can be viewed HERE follow the links for the online shop to view many more great thrillers and other titles!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Hope you all had a great hallowe'en - we had nachos, chocolate cake and watched The Crow - can't beat that! Anyway, today's book of the day follows the theme, it is Dean Koontz's Night Chills and can be found HERE

Friday, 29 October 2010


Can't believe its a week since I posted last - so sorry! Must make a pledge to do it DAILY like most people! It's not even that its been a busy week, quite the opposite in fact, very quiet on the sales front, that good old October dip, never mind, I stay positive...most of the time!

Here is the link for the eBay list, got some great titles finishing soon including some vintage annuals as well as cookery books and more, check it out HERE

As always you can follow us on Twitter @Rehomeabook, find us on Facebook or visit the main website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk where there are links for the online shop, news and more!

Right, got to go to the bank, it's very windy out there too - winter is just around the corner...

Friday, 22 October 2010


Well it's come around again - and so soon! Today's book of the day is the 'Six Novels of Ernest Hemingway' and can be found HERE in the online shop along with many other great books!

What are your Friday plans? Out this evening? I hope to be as it has been a frustrating week of internet issues and technical annoyances! Chilling is called for.

Don't forget our eBay stuff which you can see HERE - some ending soon.

Back later, have a good day!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Where does it go?! Its already Wednesday and I'm not sure how. Anyway, a few things to report, as well as the online shop now working, out postage by total order weight, we now have FREE UK delivery on all bookmarks and bookplates! Check out the shop HERE

We also have some eBay offerings as ever - these have a couple of days left so have a look and maybe grab a bargain HERE

As always we have the book of the day on the website as well as news and things, follow us on Twitter @Rehomeabook or follow us on Facebook HERE

All links and things are on the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk too!

Blimey, what a lot of links - off to grab a cup of coffee after all that!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Just a quick note to say that the online shop now works out postage costs by the total weight of the order to keep things as cheap as possible! Any glitches do let me know!

eBay offerings

Grab a bargain book from our current eBay list, find it HERE and see if anything tickles your fancy!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


I have been glued all day to the tv watching the rescue of the Chilean miners, remarkable scenes and wonderful stories. I was in Chile in 2001 and it is a great country, these people working together are showing the rest of the world how its done - brilliant!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

National Poetry Day!

Has arrived - check out some info HERE and maybe get inspired to write your own, I do but am never brave enough to have anyone read it, it is a creative outlet though and I find it does remind me of where and when I wrote each piece when I read them back, almost like a diary. Poetry like aromatherapy sparks memories in my mind and if the mood is right I can be transported back to a place and time quite easily. Anyway, there are some great poets out there so why not explore?

Right, back to work, catch up with you all later.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Howdy folks,

Hope your day is going well, I finally have time to do a bit of blog updating - just been constantly busy with life as it is, we have just had some jets practicing in the skies over here so I thought a well-timed break was in order, hard to concentrate when they are screaming past.

Don't forget you can follow us on Twitter @rehomeabook or like our Facebook page! I always put the book of the day on Facebook as well as the website with according links, I try to make it as easy as possible to find these things!

Anyway, coffee needed, catch you later.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Wet Wednesday.

Its a grey day here, rain, cloud, autumn. The perfect weather to sit with a cuppa and get into a thriller which is why today's book of the day is just that, it can be found HERE and is Jeffrey Deaver's 'The Sleeping Doll'.

I am being forced to stay in anyway waiting for the gas man so if work gets too much I may have a read of something myself!

Sunday, 26 September 2010


Hi all, been a busy week but I still don't seem to have got anything done! Had a huge book delivery which is fab but needs sorting, have photographed lots but haven't had time to photoshop them, listing to do too - ahh. Anyway, tomorrow is another day, we've just had lunch now so after a bit of a chill I shall crack on and sort myself out! Hope you are all doing well, have a great rest of the day wherever you are!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Good morning.

Hi all, missed yesterday - sorry about that! Anyway, having had a huge book delivery on Monday night I am knee deep in titles of all kinds, very time consuming but brilliant!

Today's book of the day is Alex Gray's 'The Riverman' and can be found HERE.

Back to the pile I go! Have a good day folks.

Monday, 20 September 2010

I'm back!

The first Monday after a holiday is never an overly cheerful event, but back I am, and work-bound between putting loads of washing in the machine! Had a lovely time as always, lots of walks, one day that we couldn't go out due to a storm, lots of birds and wildlife - wonderful.

Anyhoo, the Book of the day is back too, it can be found HERE and is Alison Brennan's 'Fatal Secrets':

'When a top lieutenant in a ring of human traffickers agrees to turn state's evidence, Immigration and Customs Enforcement senior agent Sonia Knight believes she'll finally take down the operation's mastermind, Xavier Jones.'

ISBN: 9780749909567
Publisher: Piatkus
Binding: Paperback
Publication Date: 2009
Condition: New, slight bend to bottom left hand corner of back cover, really not bad.

Weight: Approx 250g

UK: £1.51
Europe: £2.37
Rest of the World: £3.96

Lots more brilliant books in the online shop!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Happy Friday!

Just a quickie between pre-holiday tasks! I have done a 'book of the week' to cover while I am away, it can be found HERE and is R.J Ellory's 'A Quiet Belief In Angels' :

'1939. In the small, rural community of Augusta Falls, twelve-year-old Joseph Vaughan hears of the brutal assault and murder of a young girl, the first in a series of killings that will blight the community over the next decade. Joseph and his friends are determined to protect Augusta Falls against the evil in their midst and form The Guardians. But the murderer evades them and they watch helplessly as one child after another is taken.'

Right - on with packing, will write later if I get the chance!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

eBay bits.

Afternoon all, here is the link for the EBAY books I have listed. They are up for 10 days so they won't finish until I get back from holiday and I can answer any questions in time! I will be listing more in a bit but need a bucket of coffee first...


Hi all, just another Thursday but it will be a busy one, lots of listing to do as promised. Today's book of the day can be found HERE - it is Peter Robinson's 'Friend of the Devil'.

'When Karen Drew is found sitting in her wheelchair staring out to sea with her throat cut one chilly morning, DI Annie Cabbot, on loan to Eastern Area, gets lumbered with the case. Back in Eastvale, that same Sunday morning, 19-year-old Hayley Daniels is found raped and strangled in the Maze, a tangle of narrow alleys behind Eastvale's market square, after a drunken night on the town with a group of friends, and DCI Alan Banks is called in. Banks finds suspects galore, while Annie seems to hit a brick wall -until she reaches a breakthrough that spins her case in a shocking and surprising new direction, one that also involves Banks.Then another incident occurs in the Maze which seems to link the two cases in a bizarre and mysterious way. As Banks and Annie dig into the past to uncover the deeper connections, they find themselves also dealing with the emotional baggage and personal demons of their own relationship. And it soon becomes clear that there are two killers in their midst, and that at any moment either one might strike again.'

So, on with work, back later after more tea!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Banana Flapjacks

I made some! There were some very, very, extremely over-ripe bananas to use up and I happened to have some oats...viola! Just had a sneaky one as they were cooling - not too sweet but good and chewy! You didn't need to know all this but I needed to share my homeliness (if that's a word).

I will be putting some books on ebay tomorrow to run for 10 days while I'm away, I can answer any questions when I get back and hopefully some will go, its a tricky time of year, summer is over, and winter - the time for cosying up with a book - isn't here yet! I will put a link up tomorrow.
Off to bed soon - night all!

International Literacy Day.

A huge number of adults in the world cannot read or write, International Literacy Day was set up in the 60's to bring this issue to light and address the need for education. Find details HERE. I know my whole business is centred around books, reading and words, but I simply cannot imagine not being able to read and I truly admire people who live, work and survive day to day not being able to, they are creative and brave individuals! However, the pleasure I get from reading a book is immeasurable and hopefully awareness of illiteracy issues will help bring this joy to everyone.

Speaking of reading, our book of the day can be found HERE today it is 'The Conjurer's Bird' and is a lovely book:

'It seems like a long time ago that Fitz and Gabby were together, with his work on extinct species about to make him world-famous. Now, it's his career that is almost extinct.

Suddenly though, the beautiful Gabby is back in his life. She wants his help tracing the history of The Mysterious Bird of Ulieta, a creature once owned by the great 18th century naturalist Joseph Banks...'

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

If you fancy a gripping read check out the Rehome-a-Book thriller section HERE great books by great authors!

Redesign -a- blog!

Thought I'd give it a tweak, got a new logo, new background, maybe it's an omen! Anyway, what do you think? I love it, feels fresher and that can't be bad.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE - it is a Start Trek novel today, in a sci-fi mood.
More tea needed, back later!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Hi all,

Another Saturday - although it has been quite a lazy one admittedly! I have updated the book of the day on the website - or rather a book of the weekend as I won't have chance to do it tomorrow. Find it HERE - today it is Washington Irving's 'Tales of the Alhambra' and is a new copy, only £4.25 plus postage!

Anyway, must make a shopping list and brave Tesco...great, have fun folks.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Another beautiful day.

I can't get over the weather - such a gorgeous couple of days, spent the afternoons in my folk's garden just enjoying it, picking veg etc, very tranquil! Off to Scotland on the 11th so am trying to decide which book to take in case the sun doesn't last...rainy days are possible, can I take Lord of the Rings or will it just be too heavy?! decisions.

Anyway, maybe I'll find something from my stock, find it here and see if there's anything you want to read!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

So lax of late!

Sorry I haven't blogged, this is just a quick one to say I'm still here, been a busy week - not for sales sadly but I am ever hopeful that things will pick up. Anyway, it is my birthday tomorrow so I will have nothing but positive thoughts I promise!

Book of the day by-the-way is available HERE.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Book of the day:

Hi all, today's selected book is a cookery book, the Cordon Bleu book of vegetables and you can view it HERE our price just 99p plus postage!

I have a cold as well as my bad back so am keeping it more brief than usual due to the pain / mysery of sitting in front of the computer!

Health and happiness all!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

HI all.

Well, my problem back is actually a torn muscle - could take anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 months to heal so I just have to put up with it...great! Patience is a virtue I suppose.

So, how is your Thursday going? Hope it is productive and fun. Things are possibly afoot in the world of Rehome-a-Book but I will only say more if things pan out! Nothing worse than jinxing oneself.

Today's book of the day is HERE Phillipa Gregory - The Other Queen. From the author of The Other Boleyn Girl. Well worth a look!

Later all.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Hi all, hope you're well this fine Wednesday! As a brief update, my back still hurts, I am not amused about it and hope it will hurry up and get better!

Just done the 'Book of the day' thing, find it HERE today it is 'The Trench' by Steve Alten, worth a read, very thrilling!

Anyway, I haven't got too much time at the mo, if you follow me on Twitter I'll be on periodically all day and this evening so maybe chat there!
Take care folks.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Yes, I am about to cave in and take some, got to sit a t the computer all day so at least I won't hurt my back more by accident. It's getting better slowly, but I haven't got the time or patience to wait!

Anyway, just listed the book of the day on the website, find it HERE today it is Redwall by Brian Jacques, an excellent book not just for kids!

Anyway, I will try to post again later when I have a break or go screen-blind, have a good day folks!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Monday already.

Hi all, sorry I haven't posted over the weekend, after Burwarton Show I unloaded the van and promptly hurt my back...been resting it all weekend and it is on the mend! At least I didn't hurt it before the show, I wouldn't have been able to keep moving about if I was stuck behind the stall.

My other half has been at the Big Chill all weekend and he'll be back at some point today, the washing machine is empty and waiting! He has phoned every day which is lovely, apparently Newton Faulkner was great last night - not jealous at all!!

Anyway, off to make a cuppa before listing more books, there are loads on eBay at the moment HERE and as ever on the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Back later (pardon the pun!).

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


The stall is ready, just some stock to put out in the morning, hope it stays dry overnight, but the wind is picking up so we'll see. I am next to the pitch I had last year and the folks there this time are selling fudge and stuff - dangerous! Must look the other way!

Anyway, the online shop is still there while we are away tomorrow www.rehome-a-book.co.uk check it out if you have a sec.
Bye for now!


Hi all, just a quick post, off to Burwarton this afternoon to set up for tomorrow's show, hoping the rain will stay away as although we'll be dry in the marquees, outside will be miserable for the animals and events. Anyway, van is loaded at least, so we shall see.

Today's book of the day is by Dave Eggers - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, you can find it here worth a read! Rehome-a-Book price just £2.50 plus postage.

Anyway folks, catch you later!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Today's Book of the day:

Rehome-a-Book's book of the day http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1
Find it at the link above -

Kuan Yin - Myths & Prophecies of the Chinese Goddess of Compassion

Monday, 2 August 2010

Today's Book of the day:

Rehome-a-Book's book of the day http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1

A Death In Tuscany by Michele Giuttari

Book of the day instead!

Decided to do this, so many books that are worthy of being highlighted, so now it is Rehome-a-Book's book of the day!! Check out the website for daily updates.

Getting ready for Burwarton Show on Thursday, we will be setting up on Wednesday so that gives us time if we forget anything - which usually happens. Hoping the weather will be kind, need to make some money!

Anyway folks, bye for now, much sorting to do!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Book of the week.

Just started a new section on the website for this, a featured book that I think is great, if it sells I will replace it with another of equal importance! This week's is Las Vegas Babylon, and you can find it here: http://www.rehome-a-book.co.uk/page.php?Pid1=9&PLv=1

Spent last night making spectacle holders ready for the show next week, beading in front of the telly is actually quite therapeutic i find, The Mothman Prophecies was on and I love that film as well as the truth behind it, gripping stuff.
Anyway, off to list some bits on good old eBay, you can find them here:
prices from 50p upwards plus postage!.
Bye for now.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Beading and Painting.

Busy today (and for the next week or so) making more book accessories to take to Burwarton Show on the 5th August, painting bookends, beading spectacle holders and my new product which will be launched at the show 'Bejewel-a-Book' bookmarks! Its all go, just hope I make some cash, I do love doing shows and festivals though so at least it'll be fun.

I have put (and will be putting more) books on eBay, clearance items at brill prices so do take a look he - just copy & paste:

There is always the website too - www.rehome-a-book.co.uk where you can visit the online shop, link to events we're doing, read this blog etc.
Right, back to work!

Monday, 26 July 2010


Google analytics tells me my website traffic is up 39% - no increase in sales though... its an up and down world! It is encouraging to know that more people are finding it - being a relatively new site and all, but what puts them off buying? Are they just looking out of curiosity? Do I not have what they were looking for? I really can't do the prices any more reasonably...thinks...
Another problem I have is what to do about postage. I sell worldwide so need to charge postage for over seas as books are generally heavy things which cost a lot to post, in the UK too for that matter. Something else to work on!

Anyway folks, 20% off for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk - ends Saturday!

Blog you later!

Friday, 23 July 2010

eBay stuff

Having the usual clear out on eBay if anyone fancies a bargain, most books 50p or 99p plus postage! this link should get you directly to the list http://shop.ebay.co.uk/rehome-a-book/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1

Hope you are all having a fun Friday, weekend looming, any plans? I have a friend back in town tomorrow so a catch up will be in order, great!

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Just saying hi!

Hi! Its a pretty average kind of Thursday so i thought i would just put a quick post up, about to have some lunch ( a bit late) so had better do this before I get my fingers foody - managed to dribble jam down myself yesterday, not a good look!

Anyway, I am getting on with Lord of the Rings - any of you who may follow me on Twitter know that I have read it before but am actually timing myself this time, I still expect it to take months but it will be interesting to see as sometimes I only manage a few pages a night.

Just a note to remind you that the 20% off all orders sale in the online shop ends at the end of July so grab a bargain while you can!
Catch you all later.


Monday, 19 July 2010


We had a lovely time at the Festival at the Edge this weekend just gone, such a brilliant atmosphere and many like-minded people, we did sell a bit too although more customers are always welcome! We were next to Panic Circus and spent much of the weekend watching stilt-walkers go by, I was very impressed at them - brave souls! The highlight for me was the Kaleidoscope Theatre, a group of children/young adults with Downs who did performances both days, I defy anyone to watch them and not be touched by the show. Any way, onwards to the next event - Wharton Show in a few weeks, hopefully some online sales too, things are very quiet at the moment which is worrying.
Don't forget 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Please be nice weather for the weekend!!

We will be trading at the Festival at the Edge this weekend under the gazebo..it can rain or be a bit chilly but PLEASE no wind! Hoping for the best and if you are there do come and say hello.

Don't forget 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk !!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

New bookmarks just in.

Just listed some lovely Pollyanna Pickering bookmarks - I wish I was good at art, her pictures are stunning! Anyway, check them and more out here http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk/bookmarks-32-c.asp and don't forget there is 20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Summer Sale!

20% off your order total for the whole of July at http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk !!

Running for the whole of July, this great offer deducts 20% from your order total at the checkout - couldn't be easier! Choose from our book accessories or book selection including lots of thrillers, biographies, crime fiction, classics and more.

We will also be at the Festival at the Edge in a couple of weeks time, more details to follow or check out the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Hang on weather!

It can cool down a bit, but we need the rain to hold off until the weekend, we are at a summer fete at Albrighton Primary School on friday and it will be a shame if its wet!

Lots of stuff on the webshop as always, do have a browse!

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Evening all,
Just a quick note to say that I have listed some cool bags on the webshop, all eco-friendly jute and cotton!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Day off.

Hi all, I am going to have a day off today, going to Powis Castle which is only up the road from me but I have never been, so armed with camera I shall explore.
Hope you have a nice Thursday too!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Busy weekend

Hi all,
Had a busy weekend at the computer updating all the international postage prices, I happily ship globally but each book is typically a different weight and it can be a pain! Easier with the UK delivery - one price suits all. Anyway, it is now done. I have Nigella on in the background, I find her cookery soothing!

Anyway, hope your Monday's have been bearable, off to cook the tea now.

Monday, 31 May 2010


Well, I have just done a Thompson directory free listing in addition to the Google places thing the other day, can't afford to pay for advertising but if its free I'm in! We'll see if it pays off I guess, will keep you posted here and on Twitter which I love.

Anyway, hope your bank holiday is peaceful, shame the sun isn't out but at least it's dry, may venture as far as the shop later, will probably need milk due to vast quantities of tea!


Saturday, 29 May 2010

Google places.

Just created a Google Places listing - free! its another way people can get my info, I am an online business so don't have a premesis as such, but the website, online shop and stuff can be found there - quite exciting really.

Anyway, just a quick post today, listing some stock to clear on ebay so go and grab a bargain!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

New bits.

Hi, just added some new bits to the web shop, check out the accessories section for great bookmarks, bookends and spectacle holders. We have even more thrillers in the book shop too so if you are looking for that gripping summer read have a browse. As always UK postage is included in the price so what you see is what you pay!

www.rehome-a-book.co.uk and click the shop links!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Morning all

Another busy day ahead, got to do social stuff too - very unusual! Anyway, just a quick blog before I go visiting.

Clearing some stock on ebay - seller name rehome-a-book go to advanced seach then 'by seller' to find my page, autobiographies, fiction, thrillers, you name it.

Also got a special offer - free gift with any purchase from the online shop until the end of June! Simply click on the links on the website to get to the shop.

Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day, will check in again later.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Clearing out some stock on ebay - find me under seller name rehome-a-book (advanced search, sellers will get you there) got some historical fiction, thrillers etc.

www.rehome-a-book.co.uk - free gift with any purchase until the end of June!!

Find us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Rehome-a-Book/310039397823

Monday, 10 May 2010

Nice weekend.

Hope you all had one! I did, it was the Ludlow Spring Event - fab food & drink festival with a transport festival thrown in, lots of beer tastings etc, and yesterday the sun was out - lovely. Today I have listed some pics from the recent BRAG Bonanza on the Facebook page and a couple on the website, do have a browse, and don't forget the online shop where you can pick up a great summer read - UK P&P included in the price! Off to photograph some more books now, details coming up shortly.

Find us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Rehome-a-Book/310039397823

Friday, 7 May 2010


Hi all, hope you are having a good day despite the hung parliament thing...

Just had it confirmed that we will again be attending Burwarton Show! Here is the website if you would like more details www.burwartonshow.co.uk or you can follow the link from my website. Just a cuople more shows to confirm and our year will be filling up nicely! Just hope for a decent summer weather-wise now...fingers crossed!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Happy birthday Puffin!

70 today and still going strong - many happy returns.

Been to vote, been to the dentist (read my other blog for that!) home, contemplating cooking, need tea, tired. That sums me up today folks!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

National Ferret Day

Hi all - its National Ferret Day! www.nationalferretday.org to raise knowledge and awareness of this lovely little animal.

Naff internet

Well at least I know its not just me, the Internet has been flaky for a couple of days now, I can get some sites but not others including twitter which is driving me mad! EBay is a sometimes thing which is highly annoying as I like to keep track if anything is selling...Bah!
Anyway, here is Blogger for now so I shall carry on regardless.
Peace out!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Clearing out some stock on ebay - find me under seller name rehome-a-book (advanced search, sellers will get you there) got some historical fiction, thrillers etc.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Bank Holiday Monday

Just been out to put a parking ticket on the car - bank holidays are just like sundays so why should we have to?! Anoying, anyway its done for now.
Its a beautiful day here, thuogh still a bit chilly, hopefully it will stay dry so I can go out and have a walk later, need to stretch my legs after the weekend. For now I shall have another cup of tea and settle on to twitter and the like. Here is a link for an article by Terry Pratchett btw about Dr Who!


Catch you later!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Day of rest?

Not likely! Housework has to be done and today I did a bit, hoovered, washed up twice, done a load of washing (or rather the machine has) and I have yet to cook! I did get a lie-in however so won't grumble! Hope your Sundays have been more chilled! As soon as I get the computer back to normal I will put some photos of the event yesterday up on the facebook page too, but that will probably be tomorrow now!

Find us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Rehome-a-Book/310039397823

T'ra for now!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

BRAG Bonanza

Just got home from the BRAG Bonanza at Baschurch where we had a stall, the predicted rain/hail/tempest didn't happen although the sky was black at times, it still put people off I think, we didn't make a lot of dosh but did sell some bookends, bookmarks and bags. Hopefully they made a lot of money for the cause - a youth centre for the area. Anyway, once I have written this I shall put my feet up, drink tea and watch an ER or two, you never know we may get a lie-in tomorrow too!
Happy bank holiday / Beltane to you all.


Thursday, 29 April 2010

Back from friend's house, drank tea, had sympathy! Listed a few thrillers on the site, historical fiction books on ebay too - seller name rehome-a-book obviously! Catch you later all.

On a downer!

It happens to us all, but I am feeling negative today! Haven't sold anything for far too long, we have an event on Saturday which should be great but the weather forcast is naff - stuck in a field under a wet gazebo trying to sell wonderful items to no people...not the best thing to look faorward to! Nevermind, perhaps it won't be that bad. Right.

Anyway, the event in question can be found here - www.westmercia.police.uk/news/news-articles/we-re-brag-ing-about-a-bonanza-family-fun-day.html its a very good cause so I hope it is dry for them/us!

I am going to see some friends now to get some tea and sympathy, back later hopefully feeling brighter!
Tata for now.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Bloomin' computers!

Why do they always break just when you need them the most? Yesterday mine kept turning itself off - well into a sleep mode kind of, most annoying! Anyway it seems back to normal now so I will be listing some more titles in the online shop including Shadow Man by Cody Mcfayden, One False Move by Harlan Coben and Crosscut by Meg Gardiner - come and have a browse!

You can also visit my other website www.georiginals.com where I sell fairly-traded gifts, jewellery and other new age items!

Catch y'all later.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


We have a great range of thrillers in the online shop at the moment - brilliant authors including Alex Kava, Harlan Coben, Dean Koontz, James Patterson and Jeffery Deaver. Have a browse today for some great summer reads - UK postge included in the prices!!

It is a lovely sunny day again but a bit on the chilly side. I have been putting off getting a sweater - didn't want to cave in to the cold but I'm going to have to as typing is becoming an issue, still its a good excuse for another cup of tea!
Later all.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Fruity Rivita

Just got to say how yummy and moreish these things are! You wouldn't think it to look at them but they are just sweet enough, perfect to nibble when I am stuck at the keyboard because they aren't sticky! A hazard when you work with books...

Anyway, off into town briefly then back to listing stuff. Hope your day is going well.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Summer's here, the accounts are due...

Hi all, had the letter from my accountants today informing me that it is time once again to collect my paperwork and send it to them for the good ol' tax return. I'd rather they did it, I would make a mistake and be fined or something...

It is another beautiful day - the sun is really warm out of the wind. The veggies in my folk's garden are all growing well and it look like we shall have plenty to eat for the next few months, can't wait, I could live on salad truth be told.

Anyway, on with 'booking' as I call it. More going onto the shop this evening so do have a browse if you have the time.


Thursday, 15 April 2010


I have had too much! Three really big bucket-mugfulls already today, will be going for a walk in a while though so that should help even me out a bit. Getting annoyed at Facebook - the chat thingy keeps saying 'an error occured' evey now and then...not good, it is my social life! Much prefer Twitter at the mo. Think I will put a twitter-feed thing onto the blog...
Anyway, hope you are having a nice day out there.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

New additions.

Hi all, just added the following to the webshop - have a browse!

The Edge Of Reason - Clinton McKenzie
Lamb - Bernard Maclaverty
Rain Stops Play - Brian Johnston
Mortal Remains - Gregory Hall
Little Women (abridged) - Louisa M. Alcott.

More to come as always! Hope you are having a good day.


I have listed 4 new pairs of bookends on the web shop today, two pairs are of a butterfly/flower design, there is a pair with seashells and another for kids with space robots! As ever they are MDF, painted and decoupaged and each pair is unique. Check out the website www.rehome-a-book.co.uk.

I finished the book I was reading last night - Punishment by Anne Holt which I enjoyed a lot. I have now started The Grave Tattoo by Val McDermid, so far it has gripped me so that is a good sign. If anyone has read it do let me know what you thought!

Anyway, must be off to bed, another day of computer-bound typing tomorrow, more books to list both on ebay and on the website so watch this space!

Monday, 12 April 2010


What a terrific programme Joanna Lumley's Nile is - can't wait until next week! I can see Agatha Christie in my mind's eye, creating her murder mystery whilst on a cruise liner like the one on tonight. Magical!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Sunny Saturday.

It has been another lovely day but I have been computer-bound, listing books on ebay, if they don't go there I move them to the webshop. It has been nice to be able to have the windows open though - got some fresh air while I work.

One of my favourite authors Sara Paretsky has written a piece for The Guardian - here is the link http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/apr/10/elizabeth-barrett-browning-sara-paretsky incase you want to look.

Tonight I will be able to chill in front of the TV and watch Harry Potter and The Order Of The Pheonix - good times!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Sick of election already!

It was only announced a few days ago but I am already fed up of election stuff. There is nothing on the news except the latest ramblings from the big three, the countryside is suddenly littered with campaign boards and we have already had about two trees worth of leaflets through the door. I live on the third floor of my building - I warn anyone who may visit that the doorbell is currently switched off!

Anyhoo, enough rant for now. I shall go back to reading my book - escape!

Thursday, 8 April 2010


Had a lovely day in Wales helping to move furniture - sun, birds, flowers - very spring-like.
Listed a few more titles on the shop including some James Patterson thrillers and a couple of Harry Potters - check it out!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Today's quote.

The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch

Lovely day!

It is a lovely day outside, I am stuck at the computer listing books a plenty but I will go out for my walk a bit later! I have listed more thirllers on ebay - find me under sellers and type in rehome-a-book!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Just added some more thrillers to the webshop - take a look if you have time.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Quote of the day.

“He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting "All the Gods are bastards."”

Terry Pratchett

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Quote of the day.

“The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most.”

Theodore Parker

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Quote of the day.

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it” Terry Pratchett

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Special this month!

Star Trek novels from Titan Books - most are first edition paperbacks, so why not take a look?!

They are all in the TV/Movie tie-in section. Happy browsing!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Quote of the day.

“The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp”

Terry Pratchett

Quote of the day.

“Libraries are not made, they grow”

Augustine Birrell

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Star Trek.

I have just photographed 13 more Star Trek novels! Just some photoshop magic and they will be listed - watch this space!

Quote of the day.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

Jorge Luis Borges

Friday, 12 March 2010

Quote of the day

Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. ~P.J. O'Rourke

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Today's quote:

“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain

Welcome to the Blog!

This is the Rehome-a-Book blog which is linked to our website, shop and other lovely things where I shall put reviews, dates of events and the like! Hope you enjoy whats here.