About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Hi all, had a great weekend at the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre as ever, bit of an issue with condensation dripping - or should I say raining - down on us all, had to cover the stall for a bit! It was a lovely atmosphere as always though and we gave our costumes an airing. If you were there I hope you enjoyed it. I have put a few photos on our Facebook page HERE.

That's it for our events this year, we are booking up for 2011 though, July and August are dealt with. Looking forward to getting some new stock items and seeing how they do!

So it's back to the daily grind, with the run up to Christmas I hope to be busy obviously, do check the website for our book of the day and more bits and pieces!
Take care.

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