About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Monday, 31 January 2011


Oh its a real Monday! Great way to start the week - a bucket-load of stress and annoyance! Anyway, not the right stuff to put blog-wise so I shall divert to the calming world of books... aaaand breath.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE and is Pat Kerr's 'Down To Earth', the inspiring story of a British Airways stewardess who built a children's village in Bangladesh.

Remember, you can connect with us on Twitter @Rehomeabook and on Facebook!

Back to my Monday...

Sunday, 30 January 2011


Yes - sun AGAIN, perhaps spring really is on the way, its still mightily cold but clear and bright - that'll do for me! Hope its nice wherever you are.

Sunday means housework for me, ironing later in front of the telly - Top Gear probably, but first I have done the washing and the dryer is going round serving double-duty of drying towels and adding some warmth to the kitchen! Back to book listing tomorrow - yey!

http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk prices start at just 50p! P&P is as low as poss - we just want to unite books with readers who love them!

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Kindle bags

Although I am an advocate of real, paper books as opposed to e-readers and Kindles, I can see a market for them in some situations such as going on holiday - therefore we have come up with out knitted Kindle-sized bags - ideal for carrying your Kindle or similarly-sized ereader, keys, phone, pen etc. They are knitted in double thickness so are sturdy and solid! so far we have a short handled version, one with a shoulder strap and a pouch version, watch this space for more colours! They can be found HERE in our online shop!
Short handled and long handled ones are £8 each and the pouches are £7, we also have many other kinds of bag including our small knitted ones of the same style! Bag-tastic!

Friday, 28 January 2011

New shop section

The new Hobbies / Crafts category!



What a lovely surprise - sunshine!! Fantastic! Spring is on the way I know, but after a week of drizzle and cloud it seems far away. We have booked up for an event in March so that has to be nice weather-wise - not asking for much, just no wind or rain...

Sorry (again) that it has been a week since my last post - the new years resolution to blog more efficiently is NOT going to plan! Anyway, here now and I will try harder - thanks to my little few followers - I do really appreciate you!

This week I have joined the campaign to save out libraries - a vital resource, past time, access point to information and education and above all they keep real books alive, it is shocking to think of them being closed let alone school library cuts and the scrapping of mobile libraries, which in my part of the world are a vital link to outlying areas!

Anyway, must get on, we have a new 'Hobbies & Crafts' section to the online shop which I have listed some books in already, lots more to do. Our book of the day is Enid Blyton's 'Well Done Secret Seven' and can be found HERE along with many other fab titles!

Here's to a sunny weekend - need to clean the car!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Happy Friday!

Haven't posted all week - sorry! Been busy though, and have had a new influx of books which I am currently working through getting them ready to list in the online shop! Photograph them, photoshop them, write description, weight them, list them... its a lengthy job but worth it if they sell! I keep prices as low as poss - its a balance between asking a fair price, but still making a living which at this time of year is really tough! Anyway, the whole lot can be found in our online SHOP

We offer worldwide shipping, FREE UK postage on all bookmarks and bookplates, and until the end of Feb there is 10% off when you enter the code LMCF at the shopping cart!

Our book of the day is HERE and is all about getting rid of garden pests in an alternative way.

Back to the book pile I go - have a happy Friday folks!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Manic Monday

Hi folks, hope you are well - I have just got in from seeing a client, had a cup of tea and am waiting for my second wind to kick in - hopefully it will as I have a huge pile of ironing to do this evening! There's always a job to be done.

It has been a beautiful day here, sunny and cheerful for a change, I would hope it lasts but don't hold out much hope...

Anyway, just checking in, back tomorrow.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


The Rehome-a-Book van will soon be with us - now the awful job of getting insurance quotes... yawn! Be worth it in the end though. If anyone knows a good place with decent prices do let me know!

Anyhoo - the book of the day can be found HERE and is the Life and Works of Rembrandt - some culture for a Saturday...

Friday, 14 January 2011


Hope yours is going smoothly! Every day is pretty much the same here - selling books 7 days a week, but Friday has a feeling about it, the legacy from school days, looking forward to the weekend I expect!

Anyway, our Friday book of the day can be found HERE and is Robert Lacey's The Kingdom. I am off to the bank and to do some food shopping, and I notice it is raining again - wonderful!
Take care all.

Thursday, 13 January 2011


The news that is, what is going on with the world?! Terrible floods in Australia and now Brazil, awful shooting in Arizona and the associated media backlash, horrible rain/floods forecast here, jobs cuts, service cuts, murders...need I go on?! Here's to a more peaceful rest of the year, lets hope we've got the horror out of the way early.

I find an oasis of calm when reading, I can lock out what ever else is going on and focus on the words in front of me - that's one reason why I love books and am passionate about people reading.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE, there are loads of great books in our online shop and I'll be adding some more later, many gardening books.

If you're looking for a real bargain check out our 50p specials page - great books just not in the best condition, but fine for reading!

Friday, 7 January 2011


Hi all, very late posting today - been a busy one, managed to get to the post office without slipping over earlier but it was touch and go there for a while! It is raining now though so hopefully the slushy snow will disappear quickly and we can all walk around safely again.

The book of the day is HERE and is Lyn Andrews' 'Where the Mersey Flows' - only 50p!

Anyway folks, enjoy what is left of your Friday.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Dick King-Smith

Very sad to hear of the passing of Dick King-Smith, author of so many brilliant and important children's books including the epic Babe. He will be missed but forever appreciated.

Today's book of the day is 'Outlaw' by Angus Donald, it can be found HERE along with many other great books.

Don't forget we offer free UK postage on all bookmarks and bookplates and there is 10% off for Facebook likers, Twitter followers and blog readers - simply enter the code LMCF in the box on the shopping cart page to apply the discount!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Rainy Wednesday

Its dull and rainy here, hope it is brighter wherever you are!

Today's book of the day can be found HERE and it is Patricia Cornwell's 'Cruel & Unusual'. As always it and many others can be bought at the Rehome-a-Book online shop!

Off to make tea, bye for now!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

VAT day gloom.

Yep - its gone up to 20%...at least it will make maths problems easier as someone on Twitter said, another upside is that there is no VAT on books! Actual paper ones that is...plenty of VAT on e-books.

Anyhow, our book of the day can be found HERE and is The Gardening Year by Lance Hattatt - start planning now for the year ahead season by season.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy new year!

Hope it will be a great one for all of us!

A very sad start however is the news that Pete Postlethwaite has passed away, a fabulous actor and lovely man, I was lucky enough to meet him a few times, we have lost a huge talent.

Another miserable thing (lets get them out of the way) is the ongoing threat to our public libraries, I have posted a map of planned closures on the Facebook page HERE and it is horrific in my opinion, they are vital to communities, not just for borrowing books, but as places to spend time, carry out research and meet others.

Aside from that, I hope you have all had a lovely break, great Christmas and new year and that we can attack 2011 with some positivity! I am listing gardening books on the shop at the moment in the hope of a cheerful spring!

Take care.