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Monday, 31 January 2011


Oh its a real Monday! Great way to start the week - a bucket-load of stress and annoyance! Anyway, not the right stuff to put blog-wise so I shall divert to the calming world of books... aaaand breath.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE and is Pat Kerr's 'Down To Earth', the inspiring story of a British Airways stewardess who built a children's village in Bangladesh.

Remember, you can connect with us on Twitter @Rehomeabook and on Facebook!

Back to my Monday...


  1. Sorry to hear you are stressing. That's no fun in any amount, even a morsel! Sometimes it helps to allow yourself a Take~a~Moment: Imagine for a moment that you could taste a slice of rainbow or even hold it in your hands. Doesn't that make you feel better? It looks as if it tastes like sherbet! Does it? :)

    Stop by for a visit? Please do, there's always pie! (Perhaps to go along with the "sherbet"? lol!)
    Cellar Door

    Postscript: An across~the~miles friend of mine (Lolly) had good words about Down To Earth, too. Yours added to it, I will now definitely put this book in my Must Reads column. Thanks!

  2. Thanks - destressed quite well in the end...mmmm sherbet!
