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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My goodness!

Haven't blogged since Valentine's Day! I am terrible at keeping up with this thing...back now, will do better. Hope you have all been ok in the meantime, the weather has been up and down, is it spring yet? Still winter? Who knows, what is for sure is that the beautiful snowdrops are through and looking cheerful so there is hope!

Anyway, not much is different here, the 10% off offer ends on the 28th so do take advantage while you can, just enter the code LMCF at the shopping cart to get your discount at the shop HERE. As usual, our book of the day can be found on the main website and is updated daily, today's is the 'Tales of the Alhambra' by Washington Irving - only £4.25 at Rehome-a-Book!

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