About us!

We love books of all sorts, readers of many genres. We also sell quality second-hand books that deserve loving homes!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Great weekend!

Well, we spend so long getting ready for it, then its over in a flash - the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre is done for another year. We had a great time as usual, saw some familiar faces and had some lovely chats with some lovely customers as well as meeting some new people. It was a very busy fayre, lots and lots of visitors, crowds of people which is all to the good! We are now back, the online shop is running again with the stock that we have left - although there isn't a lot, we will be restocking in the new year ready for events to come in 2012.

We have one event left on our calendar - the Moor Park Christmas Fayre this coming Saturday (3rd Dec), there will be Santa's grotto as well as many other stalls and attractions so do come along if you are in the area!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre

I know I know, its been so long since I posted here! This weekend we are trading again at the Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre –  it is the most amazing event with lots of medieval fun and frolics! It is nice to meet up with some of my fellow traders who I haven’t seen since the summer events so as ever we are really looking forward to it – fingers crossed for decent weather too! If you are attending, we are in the main huge marquee near the top end so do come and say hello!

Friday, 5 August 2011

Friday already!

It was only Monday a minute ago...how time does fly! Anyway, I hope you have all had good weeks, it hasn't been easy doing things in the heat we have had, but today is better and the weekend is supposed to be OK, although a lot of rain is forecast for Sunday - to all at The Big Chill like my other-half, I hope it isn't as bad as they predict!

Putting some new stuff on the eBay page at the mo and over the weekend so do keep an eye out for bargains!

Monday, 1 August 2011


Yes, it is the start of another working week, lots to do and much tea to drink! Hope you all had good weekends,  we got a few books re-homed via eBay so I will be posting them off shortly - check HERE for our current listings, prices start at just 10p, we need to get them gone!

So off to the Post Office I go, queueing is such fun!

Friday, 29 July 2011


Have a great weekend everyone, here's hoping for some good weather (but not too hot) so we can all enjoy being outside. No events for us this weekend but as always there will be work to be done, hopefully I can get some reading done though, got 2 books to get on with.

Don't forget to keep an eye on our eBay page HERE for those bargain books that need homes!

Monday, 25 July 2011


Hi all, just a quick note to say that we are clearing some of our redundant books on eBay - prices start at just 10p so grab a bargain! More are being added each day and there are some bids on some already. Click HERE to see what is listed at the moment.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Great weekend

Hi all, we are back from a great weekend at the Festival at the Edge, Saturday's weather was much better than forecast and we had some sun, Sunday did turn wet though so we had to pack away a soggy gazebo. hoping for some dry weather now to get it dry!
It was fab to meet some people off Twitter in the flesh and to see some great acts including my favourite Kaleidoscope Theatre. Here's to next year!

You can see more pics on our Facebook page!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Festival at the Edge

We will be at the fab Festival at the Edge this weekend - the forecast doesn't look good but we'll make the best of it! It is a fantastic weekend of storytelling, music and fun at Much Wenlock so if you are in the area do come and have a look. Tomorrow we will go over and set up the gazebo, tables etc then it will be an early start on Saturday to go and set out the stock for the weekend - rain and wind permitting! If anyone knows a sunshine dance, I would really appreciate it :)

Everything we will be selling is available in the online shop HERE

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Books have gone.

Hi folks,
Just a note to say that all books have now gone from the online shop and it has it's new look as the book accessories and gifts shop selling everything we take to shows, fairs and festivals so do have a browse!

We still have many of the books at the moment so if there is one you have seen just drop us an email, we are also still running our wish list service too.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Happy 4th July!

To all my friends in the USA - hope its a great day over there. Over here I am busy, getting things ready slowly for the Festival at the Edge in a couple of weeks, clearing books from the online shop and generally being as efficient as possible - not easy when its warm like this mind you!

Anyway, I hope you are all happy and well!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Categories vanishing!

Hi all,
Some of the smaller book categories are now disappearing from the online shop including reference, true crime and mystery amongst others, we will be removing books systematically over the next couple of weeks then the shop will just be for the gift and accessory items we sell at events. Enter the code CCL at the shopping basket page to get 20% off your order - anything goes, and 20% off already cheap prices can't be bad!

Have a good day folks.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Kind of closing the online shop...

We have decided rather than close down completely we will just sell the items that we have at the events we do - the book accessories and gifts, after a couple of decent enquiries. It is true that the market has gone for the books so they will be disappearing very soon - check out the shop to get 20% off your order - 20% off already VERY cheap prices that is.

So, the things that you see on our stall at fairs, shows and festivals are all available to buy online for now and vise versa - lots of great book related gift items for those bibliophiles in your life! Have a browse HERE

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Almost no rain!

We had a lovely afternoon at the Albrighton School summer fair - there were reenacting pirates fighting, kids in fancy dress, a fab cake stall and lots of other things - we also sold quite a bit which is kind of the point! It was dull weather-wise and the rain only started about a half-hour before the end so that was ok. Typically we had someone ask if we had an online shop, I explained obviously, IF the person comes back to us it will be nice, but in truth it rarely happens, one sale won't keep us going sadly. Nevermind, onwards and upwards!

So, I shall unload the van (too wet to do it last night) in a while then get on with the rest of the day!
Bye for now.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Fine weather tomorrow please!

I'm not asking for miracles - just no rain, and ideally no strong winds either if possible oh mighty weather Gods! We are at the lovely Albrighton School tomorrow at their summer fair which we really enjoyed last year, skittles made from Pringles tubes, tombolas - the works, our gazebo will be on duty and I don't want to have to pack it away wet, although with a good forecast for the weekend at least I'll be able to get it out to dry at some point. I have thought about doing an anti-rain dance, but I'm just not that coordinated, I would probably cause a flood!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Closing online shop.

We will soon be closing down the online shop, the ever-rising postal costs, general lack of people buying used books and the costs involved have beaten us. It is sad, but we have to be realistic!

We will however be doing more events with the book accessories and gifts and I'm sure we can sneak a few bargain books onto the stall! We love doing fairs, shows and festivals and can channel the money we are currently losing through the online shop into more stock, pitches, positive and exciting things.

Watch this space for closing down offers - coming soon!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Quiet week

It has been a fairly quiet week in the world of Rehome-a-Book, not many orders, no events, so I have taken advantage of the time to get some things made ready for upcoming shows, I have been a cutting, gluing, creative machine! The weather has also been awful so I haven't been going outside too much, managed to get some writing done too. I hope you have all had productive weeks, lets hope things pick up here next week!
Bye for now.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Star Trek

Hi all, just to let you know we have alot of great Star Trek novels in our Sci-fi section HERE at the moment, the days of Captian Kirk mainly, so if you're a fan do go and have a look, they are mostly first edition paperbacks at fab prices as always!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Medieval Fayre

We had a nice day at the Cockshutt Medieval Craft, Food and Fun day yesterday, people weren't spending much but the atmosphere was nice and the sun stayed out for most of it! All that's left now is to unpack the van - always my least favourite job!

Friday, 3 June 2011


We will be at the Cockshutt Medieval Craft, Food and Fun Day on Saturday - hoping for nice weather as our pitch is an outdoor one! I have a new table which luckily fits in the van - we had measured it but weren't quite sure! It is sturdy and deeper than the other so hopefully it will help no end for displaying the stock safely. Anyway, we are looking forward to a day away, possibly in costume. When we get back it will be straight to a friend's after wedding do - hopefully we'll have time to change first!
Take care all.

Sunday, 29 May 2011


Starting to get things ready for the Medieval Fun Day at Cockshutt next Saturday, getting the stock sorted, making some things, finding the gazebo! With the bank holiday Monday it will soon come round so must try to get organised....

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Hi all

Been really busy getting ready for a few shows coming up, making things, sorting books, all good fun. The online shop is quite at the mo so I'm looking forward to some events to get us out into the real world!

Hope you are all well, blog again soon.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Broken Blogger

For the last couple of day Blogger wasn't working as you probably know! All seems back to normal now and all posts are restored here at least I'm relieved to say.

Our book of the day today is a craft themed one - Soft Furnishing projects and can be found HERE I am very envious of people who can sew - one thing I just can't do!

Thursday, 12 May 2011


Got the little pots in today that I am going to fill with undercoat to give away with the 'paint your own bookends' at shows this summer - think they look good with the label on!
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Many apologies for the lack of posts lately, I have been and still am ill with tonsillitis and an ear infection so concentration is not my best quality at the moment! I am still doing the book of the day which can, as ever, be found on the website! I am managing the odd tweet too so do follow @Rehomeabook if you are a tweeter!

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bit more human

Thanks to the wonders of ibuprofen and Berocca I'm getting there, still thick -headed though. We had our forms for the Festival at the Edge confirmed yesterday - one of our favourite events, a whole weekend in July dedicated to storytelling and literary things, here's to good weather, the beer tent, tales and sales! Check out the News/Events page on the website for the other events we will be at this summer.

Friday, 6 May 2011

*cough* *sniff* *splutter*....that is all.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Curse of the self employed.

As I mentioned on Twitter, I have a cold. My head is wooshing, throat is swollen and I'm fairly deaf! However, if I don't work I don't earn, so here I sit on the sofa, surrounded by tissues, paracetamol and notepads with the laptop, blackberry and tea. At least I can do a little bit! Hope you are all well, normal service will resume shortly... I hope.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Hi all, just updated the front page of the online shop to show some current featured items, do have a look HERE there are many more great items to be found by looking in the categories down the left hand side too.

Our book of the day can be found HERE and is a great one for Archers fans - the Jennifer Aldridge Cookbook!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


A bit late in the day granted, but a post none the less! Back to normal after the bank holiday, our book of the day is a great thriller and can be found HERE.

With at least a few more days of sunshine forecast I plan to, at some point, sit outside with a book myself - a rare event in the life of this bookseller! I have a pile of books waiting to be read so really must get my act together.

Anyway, I hope you all have good evenings, afternoons or mornings wherever you are!

Monday, 2 May 2011

Bank holiday

Apologies for the lack of decent posts these last few days, apart from taking a bit of time off we also lost a great friend on Saturday so blogging has been at the bottom of a long list of things needing doing. Things will be back to normal tomorrow, book of the day etc!

Do check the online shop for great books at great prices!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

'Six women, their loves, laughter and life-long friendship. We meet five American women with their husbands at a Norfolk airbase. While the guys partol the skies, the gals cook chicken pot pie and sneak across the perimeter fence to meet up with Kath, who lives in the freezing fens. Together they share love, laughter, triumphs and tragedies over forty years.'

Our book of the day: The Future Homemakers of America by Laurie Graham

Buy it HERE!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Book of the day;

Can always be found on the main website, on our facebook page www.facebook.com/rehomeabook and on twitter @Rehomeabook ... and often here! Today is it Jonathan Kellerman's 'Deception'

Monday, 25 April 2011

Summer reads

There are some fab books old and new which encompass the air of summer, you can travel the world from your back garden or favourite chair - this is the magic of books. I found a good article here http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/the-50-best-summer-reads-2003160.html

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Sunny Saturday

Hi all, hope you are enjoying Easter weekend - I am nipping to Shrewsbury to 'do' the garden centre then hopefully back to do some work...awful on a day like this but needs must!

Catch the book of the day on the website - Beginners Spanish today!

Bye for now.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Email blogging!

From my phone no less! This technology thing is catching up with me this way I can blog from events this summer, whatever next?

I hope you are all able to enjoy the sunshine wherever you are and that it lasts!
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Sunny again!

It is - still sunny! I really hope this isn't all we're going to get, an early 'summer' then months of rain, must think positive!

Today's book of the day can - as always - be found on the website under the heading, here is a link to it anyway, Alan Titchmarsh' 'Folly', just 99p at Rehome-a-Book!

Don't forget, for Easter you can get 20% off your order from the online shop by using the code CCL at the shopping basket page!

Bye for now folks.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Time wasting

It is so easy to do, today, after doing a pitiful amount of work I have been seduced by the computer. Spending a huge amount of time on Stumbleupon looking a fabulous photos and sites, tweeting, blogging - although a lot of this is promotion stuff for Rehome-a-book and my writing...at least that's what I'm telling myself!
Anyway, must get on to something productive now...

Oh - and you can get 20% for Easter off at the online shop HERE if you enter the code CCL

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Well done to all those who ran the London marathon - I was watching to see if I could spot some friends of mine (Jon, Heath, Abi) and some of the costumes folks were in were great - don't know how you do it though! Top admiration.

Friday, 15 April 2011


The weekend is nearly here - lets hope for nice weather! Although on Sunday I will be mostly in front of the telly - Marathon and the Grand Prix! I have a few friends running in the marathon for a host of great causes and I wish them all the luck in the world!

If you are taking is easy have a wonderfully relaxing time, if you'll be working like me (for some of it) I hope its a productive weekend!

It rained overnight! The weather Gods must read the Rehome-a-Book blog! I can imagine the garden drinking it all in - excellent.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Had a nice afternoon in the garden tending veggie seedlings, but had to do some watering - we are hoping for rain soon, the water-butt is dry. Some overnight rain would be great, it can do it's job and we wouldn't have to deal with umbrellas during the day!

Anyway, if you need some inspiration check out our gardening section HERE! Off to cut some salad leaves for tea...

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sun on a Saturday

I have many many books to list and the sun is out again - dilemma! It is technically the weekend, but they don't have the same meaning for the self-employed, I'm hoping I can strike a happy balance between getting some work done and getting outside for some fresh air and springtime glory! Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

New books

Just collected a box load of donated books - all paperbacks, good titles, different categories so watch the shop for new additions!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Prices are now updated to the new Royal Mail 2011 tariff, the increase is dependant on the weight bracket - some airmail prices over 100g have actually come down a bit!

Postal prices

HI all,
Today in line with Royal Mail's price hike on postage we are having to alter the postal prices on the online shop - would love not to have to but just can't see a way around it. Because we sell books so cheaply - prices starting at 50p - we would lose any of the small profit we make if we kept the postal prices the same - re-homing books is our passion but we have to make a living, minuscule as it is!

Later all.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mother's Day

A Mother's Day related book of the day today - Grandmother's Wisdom! Find it HERE

Saturday, 2 April 2011

More thrillers now listed! Just saying....


Thursday, 31 March 2011


Listed those thrillers as promised - there are some really great titles in the category now so dive in and have a browse!

We are booking up for some great events this summer, check out the news/events page on the website for details and dates.

Off to do some writing now - if I can get inspired :)

Monday, 28 March 2011

So tempting...

Oooo just had a delivery of thrillers! The problem is that I want to read them ALL, I will have to be very strict with myself....maybe just keep a couple back for now! Anyway, they will be listed very soon so keep an eye on the thriller section for new additions HERE.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Hello folks

Hope you are well! Its been a week or so since I blogged! Things are busy, doing lots of listing and writing as well as planning which events we will be at over the summer - hoping for great weather through July and August at the least! Anyway - back to the book listing, lots of fab new titles coming up, watch this space!


Saturday, 19 March 2011


HI all, I am back to normal after pet-sitting some wonderful animals last week! I will be adding more books to the site today and tomorrow as normal so keep an eye open for new additions! Hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine if it's nice with you.
Take care.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Slight delay

Hi folks, just a quick note to say there may be a day or two delay in processing orders for the next few days as I will be away on and off, definitely back to normal by next Wednesday. You can still order as normal and your books will be with you as soon as possible!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday again!

But what a beautiful one - sun shining, not too cold - nature at it's best. In honour of this and from being inspired by David Attenborough's Madagascar programme our book of the day is his 'Life on Earth' full of amazing facts and photographs - only 99p! Buy it HERE and have a browse at some of our other great books.
Happy Monday to you all.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

World Book Day

Hi folks, yes, it's World Book Day! A day to get all our young people and children into the wonderful world of reading and books - fire their imaginations and expand their knowledge! Yes, I am passionate about books and reading. I remember siting in a corner totally absorbed in a book - making images in my mind far more involving than those I saw on telly, being sad when a book ended, only to be thrilled by finding another. Come on kids!

Friday, 25 February 2011


Yes, I know - two days in a row! Maybe this is the tide turning in the way I remember to blog... maybe. Anyway, just a quick one before the weekend, I have had a fresh book delivery thus will have a busy weekend, there are some great titles i the mix so watch the online shop for new additions!

Anyway folks, have a good Friday night and weekend!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My goodness!

Haven't blogged since Valentine's Day! I am terrible at keeping up with this thing...back now, will do better. Hope you have all been ok in the meantime, the weather has been up and down, is it spring yet? Still winter? Who knows, what is for sure is that the beautiful snowdrops are through and looking cheerful so there is hope!

Anyway, not much is different here, the 10% off offer ends on the 28th so do take advantage while you can, just enter the code LMCF at the shopping cart to get your discount at the shop HERE. As usual, our book of the day can be found on the main website and is updated daily, today's is the 'Tales of the Alhambra' by Washington Irving - only £4.25 at Rehome-a-Book!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Valentine's Day

Hugs all round! Maybe a day to read some romantic fiction? Personally it's not my cup of tea but there is a lot of it out there and I have recently had a delivery of what some call 'women's fiction' so keep your eyes peeled on the web shop for these new addition over the next couple of days!

Today's book of the day is not a Valentine's related title but a thriller - The Devil's Garden by Richard Montanari and it can be found HERE along with many other great books.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Amazing day

What a day in the news - President Mubarak has stepped down - the scenes in Egypt are euphoric, people are calling it a Berlin Wall moment. On top of that the government have put the sale of our forests 'on hold' hopefully for good in my opinion! People power at its best perhaps?

Anyway, I hope your Fridays have been productive and happy, I will be working into the night listing books that I haven'[t had chance to do yet today - I'll put the coffee on!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The King's Speech

Well, now I will understand what all the Oscar buzz is about, we went to see The King's Speech last night and it was without a word of exaggeration brilliant. Such amazing performances from Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham-Carter not to mention the supporting cast. It was one of those films where you are surprised how short it was only to realise that you have actually been sitting for nearly two hours and the time has just flown - no clock-watching here! This film-goer was stunned by it!

Anyway, on to the usual book-related business. Yesterday was Jules Verne's 183rd birthday and it reminded me that I have always wanted to read 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' so I shall be popping along to the library later to see if its in, I expect it to be quite an undertaking but have heard good things.

Our book of the day is Clive Cussler's 'Vixen 03' and can be found HERE in the online shop along with many other great books.

Have a good day folks!

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Save your library day!

I hope folks everywhere have shown support at their local library today, by borrowing a book or just by being there, I'm not going to go all soap-boxy but they are SO important to communities across the land!

Aside from that I hope your Saturdays are going well, I have been doing the usual book related stuff including putting a new 'Wish List' service into operation - I have done it for a couple of people and had another enquiry from a lovely customer yesterday so decided it was time to promote the fact! Simply email us with any titles you are looking for and we'll drop you a line if we come across any of them!

Anyway, I am in dire need of coffee so I shall leave you to it folks - bye!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Just a quick blog to note the hell that Queensland is going through - watching BBC at the mo seeing the advancing cyclone currently hitting land - terrifying. Keep strong Australia, thoughts are with you.

Monday, 31 January 2011


Oh its a real Monday! Great way to start the week - a bucket-load of stress and annoyance! Anyway, not the right stuff to put blog-wise so I shall divert to the calming world of books... aaaand breath.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE and is Pat Kerr's 'Down To Earth', the inspiring story of a British Airways stewardess who built a children's village in Bangladesh.

Remember, you can connect with us on Twitter @Rehomeabook and on Facebook!

Back to my Monday...

Sunday, 30 January 2011


Yes - sun AGAIN, perhaps spring really is on the way, its still mightily cold but clear and bright - that'll do for me! Hope its nice wherever you are.

Sunday means housework for me, ironing later in front of the telly - Top Gear probably, but first I have done the washing and the dryer is going round serving double-duty of drying towels and adding some warmth to the kitchen! Back to book listing tomorrow - yey!

http://shop.rehome-a-book.co.uk prices start at just 50p! P&P is as low as poss - we just want to unite books with readers who love them!

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Kindle bags

Although I am an advocate of real, paper books as opposed to e-readers and Kindles, I can see a market for them in some situations such as going on holiday - therefore we have come up with out knitted Kindle-sized bags - ideal for carrying your Kindle or similarly-sized ereader, keys, phone, pen etc. They are knitted in double thickness so are sturdy and solid! so far we have a short handled version, one with a shoulder strap and a pouch version, watch this space for more colours! They can be found HERE in our online shop!
Short handled and long handled ones are £8 each and the pouches are £7, we also have many other kinds of bag including our small knitted ones of the same style! Bag-tastic!

Friday, 28 January 2011

New shop section

The new Hobbies / Crafts category!



What a lovely surprise - sunshine!! Fantastic! Spring is on the way I know, but after a week of drizzle and cloud it seems far away. We have booked up for an event in March so that has to be nice weather-wise - not asking for much, just no wind or rain...

Sorry (again) that it has been a week since my last post - the new years resolution to blog more efficiently is NOT going to plan! Anyway, here now and I will try harder - thanks to my little few followers - I do really appreciate you!

This week I have joined the campaign to save out libraries - a vital resource, past time, access point to information and education and above all they keep real books alive, it is shocking to think of them being closed let alone school library cuts and the scrapping of mobile libraries, which in my part of the world are a vital link to outlying areas!

Anyway, must get on, we have a new 'Hobbies & Crafts' section to the online shop which I have listed some books in already, lots more to do. Our book of the day is Enid Blyton's 'Well Done Secret Seven' and can be found HERE along with many other fab titles!

Here's to a sunny weekend - need to clean the car!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Happy Friday!

Haven't posted all week - sorry! Been busy though, and have had a new influx of books which I am currently working through getting them ready to list in the online shop! Photograph them, photoshop them, write description, weight them, list them... its a lengthy job but worth it if they sell! I keep prices as low as poss - its a balance between asking a fair price, but still making a living which at this time of year is really tough! Anyway, the whole lot can be found in our online SHOP

We offer worldwide shipping, FREE UK postage on all bookmarks and bookplates, and until the end of Feb there is 10% off when you enter the code LMCF at the shopping cart!

Our book of the day is HERE and is all about getting rid of garden pests in an alternative way.

Back to the book pile I go - have a happy Friday folks!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Manic Monday

Hi folks, hope you are well - I have just got in from seeing a client, had a cup of tea and am waiting for my second wind to kick in - hopefully it will as I have a huge pile of ironing to do this evening! There's always a job to be done.

It has been a beautiful day here, sunny and cheerful for a change, I would hope it lasts but don't hold out much hope...

Anyway, just checking in, back tomorrow.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


The Rehome-a-Book van will soon be with us - now the awful job of getting insurance quotes... yawn! Be worth it in the end though. If anyone knows a good place with decent prices do let me know!

Anyhoo - the book of the day can be found HERE and is the Life and Works of Rembrandt - some culture for a Saturday...

Friday, 14 January 2011


Hope yours is going smoothly! Every day is pretty much the same here - selling books 7 days a week, but Friday has a feeling about it, the legacy from school days, looking forward to the weekend I expect!

Anyway, our Friday book of the day can be found HERE and is Robert Lacey's The Kingdom. I am off to the bank and to do some food shopping, and I notice it is raining again - wonderful!
Take care all.

Thursday, 13 January 2011


The news that is, what is going on with the world?! Terrible floods in Australia and now Brazil, awful shooting in Arizona and the associated media backlash, horrible rain/floods forecast here, jobs cuts, service cuts, murders...need I go on?! Here's to a more peaceful rest of the year, lets hope we've got the horror out of the way early.

I find an oasis of calm when reading, I can lock out what ever else is going on and focus on the words in front of me - that's one reason why I love books and am passionate about people reading.

Today's book of the day can be found HERE, there are loads of great books in our online shop and I'll be adding some more later, many gardening books.

If you're looking for a real bargain check out our 50p specials page - great books just not in the best condition, but fine for reading!

Friday, 7 January 2011


Hi all, very late posting today - been a busy one, managed to get to the post office without slipping over earlier but it was touch and go there for a while! It is raining now though so hopefully the slushy snow will disappear quickly and we can all walk around safely again.

The book of the day is HERE and is Lyn Andrews' 'Where the Mersey Flows' - only 50p!

Anyway folks, enjoy what is left of your Friday.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Dick King-Smith

Very sad to hear of the passing of Dick King-Smith, author of so many brilliant and important children's books including the epic Babe. He will be missed but forever appreciated.

Today's book of the day is 'Outlaw' by Angus Donald, it can be found HERE along with many other great books.

Don't forget we offer free UK postage on all bookmarks and bookplates and there is 10% off for Facebook likers, Twitter followers and blog readers - simply enter the code LMCF in the box on the shopping cart page to apply the discount!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Rainy Wednesday

Its dull and rainy here, hope it is brighter wherever you are!

Today's book of the day can be found HERE and it is Patricia Cornwell's 'Cruel & Unusual'. As always it and many others can be bought at the Rehome-a-Book online shop!

Off to make tea, bye for now!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

VAT day gloom.

Yep - its gone up to 20%...at least it will make maths problems easier as someone on Twitter said, another upside is that there is no VAT on books! Actual paper ones that is...plenty of VAT on e-books.

Anyhow, our book of the day can be found HERE and is The Gardening Year by Lance Hattatt - start planning now for the year ahead season by season.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy new year!

Hope it will be a great one for all of us!

A very sad start however is the news that Pete Postlethwaite has passed away, a fabulous actor and lovely man, I was lucky enough to meet him a few times, we have lost a huge talent.

Another miserable thing (lets get them out of the way) is the ongoing threat to our public libraries, I have posted a map of planned closures on the Facebook page HERE and it is horrific in my opinion, they are vital to communities, not just for borrowing books, but as places to spend time, carry out research and meet others.

Aside from that, I hope you have all had a lovely break, great Christmas and new year and that we can attack 2011 with some positivity! I am listing gardening books on the shop at the moment in the hope of a cheerful spring!

Take care.